Case Study:

Website Visitor Behavior Analysis

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Business Overview

Florida Eco Clean

Professional Cleaning Services for Florida Communities:

• Fort Myers • Cape Coral • Bonita Springs • Estero

Established in 2005, Florida Eco Clean is a locally owned business that offers cleaning services for residential and commercial properties using toxic free cleaning products.

Yearly Revenue: $1,000,000 +


A website visitor behavior analysis acquires deep insights into user preferences, actions, and engagement patterns. By examining how visitors interact with Florida Eco Clean's website over one year, the company hopes to use that information to refine its digital strategies, boost residential cleaning inquiries, and increase revenue.


To analyze website visitor behavior and uncover insights into user preferences, actions, and engagement patterns. It was also essential to optimize and refine digital marketing strategies to increase residential cleaning service inquiries. Florida Eco Clean sought to accomplish this goal through strategic data collection and analysis.

Primary Questions

Florida Eco Clean wanted clarification on these specific questions:

  1. What are Florida Eco Clean website users’ primary interests?

  2. What are the Google Ads demographic details for website visitors, including age, household income, gender, and location?

  3. What do website users rely on for their primary device preferences and operating systems?

  4. What are the traffic sources of website visitors? 

  5. What are user engagement patterns on the website?


A systematic and data-driven approach to understanding user behavior, which, in turn, could lead to more effective marketing strategies and improve conversions for Florida Eco Clean.

  • Gather data from various sources, including Google Analytics, Squarespace, and Google Ads, to collect information on website traffic, user behavior, and engagement metrics.

  • Identify and define specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and various demographic metrics to measure and evaluate website visitor behavior.

  • Data analysis is the systematic examination, cleansing, transformation, and modeling of data to uncover valuable insights and actionable information that inform conclusions and facilitate data-driven decision-making. This study’s data analysis involved extracting insights from collected data related to user preferences, actions, engagement patterns, and various demographic metrics. This analysis measured and evaluated website user behavior comprehensively.

  • Segment the data by demographic factors (age, gender, location, and income) to identify trends and patterns among different groups.

  • Interpret the data findings to understand visitor interests, behaviors, and preferences. From there, determine how these insights align with the company’s goals and objectives.

  • Compile the findings, insights, and recommendations into a comprehensive report to inform decision-making and strategy adjustments.

Data Collection

We meticulously gathered data from diverse sources, including Squarespace, Google Analytics, and Google Ads, to ensure we had a comprehensive understanding of Florida Eco Clean’s user online behavior. This process fostered informed decision-making to implement strategies that made user behavior more predictable and desirable – ultimately boosting cleaning estimate inquiries and generating increased revenue.

  • Squarespace, serving as the website hosting provider, tracks data so businesses can understand user behavior.

    Data Categories:

    • Visits

    • Bounce Rate

    • Unique Visitors

    • Pageviews

    • Location Data

    • Time on Page

    • Form Submissions

    • Click to Call Button Conversion

    • Top Devices by Visits

    • Top Operating Systems by Visits

    • Top Traffic Sources by Visits

  • Google Analytics is a web analytics service by Google that helps website owners track and analyze website traffic, user behavior, and engagement to make data-driven decisions.

    Data Categories:

    • User Interests

    • User Retention

  • Google Ads reports provided insights into ad performance metrics, click-through rates, and some phone call conversion data.

    Data Categories:

    • Household Income Distribution

    • Gender Engagement

Key Performance Indicators

Several crucial KPIs evaluated online behavior and proved invaluable in assessing the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Defining each Key Performance Indicator in a case study is crucial because it provides clear, measurable benchmarks for assessing performance, guiding data collection, and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the analyzed metrics. This process improves overall decision-making and effective strategy optimization.

  • Visits, in the context of web analytics, refer to the number of times users access a website or webpage during a specific period. This metric helps measure the volume of traffic a website receives, providing insights into its popularity and the effectiveness of marketing efforts in driving user engagement.

  • Unique Visitors, in web analytics, represent the count of distinct individuals or devices that access a website within a specified time frame. Unlike "Visits," which may include multiple visits from the same user, "Unique Visitors" provides a more accurate measure of the number of individual users or devices engaging with a website.

  • Pageviews, in web analytics, refers to the total number of pages on a website that have been viewed or loaded by users during a specific time period. This metric provides insights into the level of engagement with a website's content and helps assess which pages are the most popular or frequently visited. Pageviews are fundamental for evaluating a website's overall traffic and content performance.

  • Geography Location by Visits, in web analytics, refers to a metric that tracks and provides data on the geographical locations or regions from which website visitors originate. This KPI offers insights into the geographic distribution of website traffic, helping businesses understand where their audience is located. This information can be valuable for effectively tailoring marketing strategies, content localization, and targeting specific regions or demographics.

  • Demographic Age by Visits, in web analytics and marketing, is a metric that categorizes website visitors into different age groups based on their demographic information. This KPI provides insights into the distribution of website traffic across various age demographics. It helps businesses understand which age groups are most active on their website and how different age segments engage with content, products, or services. Demographic Age by Visits is valuable for tailoring marketing strategies, content creation, and user experiences to effectively target and engage specific age demographics, thereby optimizing overall website performance and customer engagement.

  • Top Devices by Visits, in web analytics, is a metric that identifies and ranks website visitors' most commonly used devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, desktop computers). This KPI helps businesses understand which devices their audience prefers for website access. It is valuable for optimizing the website's design and functionality to ensure a seamless user experience on the most commonly used devices.

  • Top Operating Systems by Visits is a metric that identifies and ranks the most frequently used operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) by website visitors during a specific period.

  • Top Traffic Sources by Visits, in web analytics, is a metric that identifies and ranks the primary sources through which website visitors arrive at a website during a specified period. This KPI provides insights into the effectiveness of various traffic channels, such as organic search, paid search, direct traffic, referrals from other websites, and social media. It helps businesses understand where their website traffic is coming from and informs marketing strategies by highlighting which sources drive the most visits.

  • Organic Search by Visits, in web analytics, is a metric that specifically measures the number of website visits originating from organic search engine results. It quantifies the traffic driven to a website by users who found it through unpaid (organic) search engine listings. This KPI is valuable for assessing the effectiveness of a website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and the visibility of its content in search engine results pages (SERPs). It helps businesses evaluate their organic search traffic and the success of SEO strategies.

  • Paid Search by Visits, in web analytics, is a metric that measures the number of website visits generated through paid advertising campaigns on search engines, such as Google Ads. It quantifies the traffic driven to a website by users who clicked on paid advertisements displayed in search engine results. This KPI helps assess the effectiveness of paid search marketing efforts, including ad campaigns, keyword targeting, and ad spend, in attracting visitors to the website. It is crucial to evaluate the ROI (Return on Investment) of paid search advertising.

  • Direct Traffic by Visits, in web analytics, is a metric that measures the number of website visits originating from direct sources. It represents users who directly navigated to the website by typing its URL into a web browser, using a bookmark, or clicking on a link in an email without passing through a referring website or search engine. This KPI helps assess the strength of a website's brand recognition, user loyalty, and the effectiveness of offline marketing efforts in driving visitors directly to the site.

  • Referrals by Visits, in web analytics, is a metric that measures the number of website visits that originate from external sources, typically other websites. This KPI represents users who followed a link from another website to access the analyzed website. It provides insights into the effectiveness of referral traffic strategies, such as partnerships, backlinks, and affiliate marketing, in driving visitors to the site. Referrals by Visits is important for assessing the impact of external sources on a website's traffic and user engagement.

  • Social Media Visits, in web analytics, is a metric that specifically measures the number of website visits generated through social media platforms. This KPI quantifies the traffic driven to a website by users who clicked on links or content shared on various social media channels, including platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. Social Media Visits help assess the effectiveness of social media marketing efforts, content engagement, and audience reach in driving visitors to the website. It is crucial to evaluate the impact of social media strategies on web traffic and user engagement.

  • Bounce Rate, in web analytics, is a metric that measures the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a website after viewing only one page, without engaging in any additional interactions, such as clicking on links or visiting other pages. A high bounce rate can indicate that visitors did not find the content or user experience engaging or relevant, while a lower bounce rate suggests that visitors explored the website further, potentially leading to more meaningful interactions or conversions.

  • Time on Page, in web analytics, is a metric that measures the average amount of time users spend on a specific web page during a single visit. It provides insights into user engagement with content, indicating whether visitors spend significant time consuming the information on a particular page or quickly moving on. Analyzing Time on Page can help businesses assess their content's effectiveness and interest level and identify pages that may need improvements to engage visitors for extended time periods.

  • Form Submission, in web analytics, is a metric that tracks the number of times users complete and submit a web form on a website. This KPI is often used to measure user interactions related to lead generation, inquiries, or other actions that require users to provide information through online forms. Form Submission is a critical indicator for assessing the effectiveness of lead generation strategies, user engagement, and the conversion of website visitors into potential leads or customers.

  • Click-to-Call Button Conversion, in web analytics, is a metric that measures the number of times users click on a "Call" button on a website to initiate a phone call directly from their mobile devices. This KPI is particularly relevant for businesses that rely on phone inquiries or customer support. It helps track the effectiveness of this feature in driving user engagement and conversions, such as inquiries, appointments, or sales generated through phone calls initiated by clicking the button.

  • Customer Retention, in business analytics, is a metric that measures an organization's ability to retain its existing customers over a specified period. It quantifies the percentage of customers who continue to engage with a business, make repeat purchases, or maintain ongoing relationships with the company. Customer Retention is a critical KPI for assessing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the effectiveness of strategies aimed at keeping customers engaged and coming back for products or services. High retention rates are often indicative of a successful and sustainable business model.

  • Customer Interests from Third-Party Data: Google Analytics obtains insights into customer interests from the content users consume on other websites primarily through the use of third-party data providers. Google Analytics integrates with these providers to access information about users' browsing behavior beyond the scope of a single website. By leveraging this data, Google Analytics can create a more comprehensive profile of users' interests, preferences, and online activities. This allows businesses and marketers to better target and personalize their campaigns, content recommendations, and advertising strategies to align with the diverse interests and behaviors of their target audience across the broader online landscape.

  • Household Income Distribution, in business analytics and marketing, is a metric that categorizes a target audience or customer base into different income brackets or segments based on their household income levels. This KPI helps businesses understand the economic diversity within their customer base and allows for tailored marketing strategies, product offerings, and pricing strategies for each income group. It is valuable for targeting specific demographics, optimizing pricing strategies, and tailoring marketing messages to resonate with customers in different income brackets.

  • Gender Engagement, in business and marketing analytics, is a metric that assesses and measures the level of user interaction and engagement with a product, service, or content based on gender demographics. It quantifies how individuals of different genders engage with a brand, website, or marketing campaign. Gender Engagement provides insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies, content, and product offerings in resonating with specific gender groups. It can help businesses tailor their messaging, user experiences, and product development to better meet the preferences and needs of their target audiences, segmented by gender.

  • #1: What are Florida Eco Clean website users’ primary interests?

    #2: What are the Google Ads demographic details for website visitors, including age, household income, gender, and location?

Demographic Details

This refers to the statistical characteristics and attributes that define a particular group and can be used for segmentation and analysis. This can include everything from age, gender, and income to education and location.

Florida Eco Clean’s primary website traffic identified as female. They had a keen interest in new technology, home décor, and shopping. They relished spending time at home, indulging in activities like watching movies and DIY shows, listening to music, staying updated on entertainment news, and reading about current political affairs.

Google Ads Demographic Information

Sixty-seven percent of Florida Eco Clean’s marketing spend was allocated to Google Ads. Understanding Google Ads demographic information influences website design by allowing companies to tailor site content, layout, and features to align with the preferences, needs, and behaviors of their target audience. Doing so ultimately enhances user experience and conversion rates.

72% Female

16% Male

12% Unknown

Thirty-four percent of total website visits came from Google Ads in the correct cities where services are available.

  • Less inclined to spend on premium cleaning services, possibly due to limited disposable income or a preference for more affordable options.

  • These individuals, particularly true for households with two working adults, are likely in the process of starting families, purchasing their first home, and advancing in their careers. These life transitions make them potential customers for residential cleaning services since they prioritize convenience.

  • This group comprises individuals who likely have established households and the financial capacity to afford luxury cleaning services. However, it's common to observe a decline in interest in luxury services within this age bracket, as many prioritize significant investments in retirement planning.

  • This age group prioritizes services that enhance their quality of life, particularly during their final years before retirement. They often experience significant stress and strain, potentially resulting from career advancement and accepting promotions. You will see below that the same group of visitors also had a high household income.

  • Seniors also consider premium cleaning services. This could be due to a desire for assistance with household chores and a preference for eco-friendly and toxic-free cleaning options for health reasons.

Spending patterns for these services matched individuals in stable life stages with the financial capability to opt for premium cleaning solutions. Furthermore, 49% of the trackable visitors from Google Ads belonged to the top 20% of household income bracket, and 67% of the traffic consisted of individuals ages 45 and above.

We performed a separate Google Ads analysis and concluded that it was an impressive lead source for cleaning inquiries.

Demographic Age by Visits from Google Ads

  • What do website users rely on for their primary device preferences and operating systems?

Top Devices by Visits

Sixty-eight percent of visits came from mobile users, compared to 29% from desktop. Prioritizing mobile optimization is crucial, and I recommend hiring a website developer to implement custom CSS code, ensuring an optimal mobile experience without altering the desktop layout, enhancing user satisfaction on mobile devices.

Mobile: 3,906 Desktop: 1,664 Tablet: 202 Total Visits: 5,772

Top Operating Systems by Visits

Android vs. Apple Demography User Behavior
Florida Eco Clean's website users showed a notable preference for Apple devices, with 3,024 Apple users surpassing the combined 2,481 Android and Windows users. This aligns with the known buying patterns: Android users are price-sensitive and diverse in device choice, while Apple users exhibit brand loyalty and a willingness to invest in premium products. Additionally, Apple users tend to have higher income and education levels compared to their Android users.

iOS: 2,611 Android: 1,423 Windows: 1,058 macOS: 413 Others: 267

  • #4 What are the traffic sources of website visitors?

Top Traffic Sources by Visits

All traffic sources acquired 5,150 unique visitors from organic and paid traffic. The website has maintained a consistent 7th-place ranking on the first page for relevant keywords for residential cleaning services. All of this took place after the first twelve months of website creation.

However, a notable concern was the elevated bounce rate of 78% for the year. It's crucial to recognize that this increase is partly attributable to the nature of overall increase of offline and online advertising, which tends to yield higher bounce rates. This is in comparison to the pre-advertising bounce rate of 67%. Increased advertising, primarily Google Ads, resulted in an 11% increase in the bounce rate.

Sixty-six percent of visits came from the state of Florida in the correct cities where services were available. It's crucial to acknowledge that 34% of visits occurred outside the designated service area, from sources other than Google Ads. This was detailed in another report for this company, further suggesting the need to investigate direct and organic search traffic sources that lead to traffic occurring from outside the service area.

Direct: 2,446 Search: 1,024 Paid Search: 1,348

Display Ads: 600 Media Channels: 190 Referral: 164

  • #5 What are user engagement patterns on the website?


After analyzing the activity log, which tracked page views by IP address, it became evident that interested leads typically made only two or three clicks on the website in a single user session. Very few of those exceeded four clicks. Notably, the click-to-call button on all pages (except for the Home Page) achieved a 6% average click-through rate, surpassing the 3% of unique visitors who reached the contact page to submit a cleaning estimate form. When visitors reached the contact page, only 5% opted to click-to-call while an impressive 25% chose to submit a form request for a cleaning estimate.

Home: 5,490 About: 708 Residential Services: 940

Commercial Services: 142 Contact: 833


Mobile Optimization: With a majority (68%) of website visits originating from mobile devices, investing in mobile optimization is essential. Work with a website developer to implement custom CSS code for mobile users while maintaining the desktop layout. To further enhance the mobile user experience, it was vital that customers could easily find the contact page to submit an online cleaning estimate form and continue to have the click to call button visible to increase residential cleaning estimates.

SEO Optimization: Although the Florida Eco Clean website has maintained a consistent 7th-place ranking on the first page for relevant residential cleaning service keywords, additional strategies can be implemented within the first 12 months of website creation. 

  • Create an XML sitemap and ensure it's submitted to search engines to improve content indexing.

  • Employ structured data through schema markup to enhance how the website appears in search results, increasing its visibility and appeal.

  • Identify which websites are referring traffic and explore potential partnerships or collaborations. Florida Eco Clean has a strong backlink building strategy to acquire high-quality, authoritative backlinks from reputable websites within the cleaning industry.

  • Maintain consistent business information across online directories like Yelp and Yellow Pages. These steps collectively strengthen SEO and visibility.

Google Ads Optimization:  Residential and commercial ads should have different ad copy and imagery. This can help reduce ad spend wastage and improve ROI. Given the significant contribution of Google Ads to the marketing budget, it was crucial to optimize ad campaigns for residential services for women 45 and older. This age group aligns with previous residential service clientele age. Explored similar search ad options like Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads.)

Media Ads Optimization: Considering the Google paid traffic demographic's interests and recent ad success, media ads helped the client enhance brand visibility, engage with its target audience, and promote services effectively. This ultimately drove customer acquisition and revenue growth through various advertising channels. To improve ad performance, we prioritized investing in custom high-quality visuals such as pictures and videos.

  • Retargeting Ads: These ads aim re-engaged users who already showed interest in Florida Eco Clean services.

  • Competitor Targeting Advertising: These ads were designed to engage with potential customers who already interacted with or were interested in competitors.

Website Optimization: The website's call-to-action elements performed successfully. The click-to-call button on all pages, excluding the Home Page, achieved an impressive 6% average click-through rate and surpassed the 3% of visitors who reached the Contact Page to submit a cleaning estimate form. The current website conversion rates are strong. Moving forward, it will be crucial to be mindful and highly strategic when making alterations to the website to ensure any changes do not deter visitors from taking action.


The analysis of Florida Eco Clean's website visitor behavior yielded valuable insights that aligned with our objectives. The predominant female demographic with interests in technology, home décor, and shopping presented a significant opportunity for targeted content creation to enhance brand visibility and resonate with this audience. Understanding Google Ads demographic information was pivotal for tailoring website design and content to meet user preferences. This ultimately improved the user experience and conversion rates.

Mobile optimization was paramount, given the majority of website visits from mobile devices. SEO optimization, including XML sitemaps, structured data, backlink building, and consistent business information across online directories, can further strengthen the website's visibility and appeal.

For Google Ads, differentiating ad copy and imagery for residential and commercial services, particularly targeting women aged 45 and above, optimized ad campaign performance. Media ads proved effective in engaging the target audience and driving customer acquisition and revenue growth. Investing in high-quality visuals enhanced their effectiveness.

Retargeting and competitor targeting ads offered opportunities to re-engage users and tap into potential customers interested in similar services. We considered further exploring ad targeting to optimize ads to decrease bounce rate.

Lastly, while the website's call-to-action elements were converting successfully, any future website alterations should be approached with caution to maintain these high conversion rates. It is crucial that Florida Eco Clean implement these recommendations and continue to monitor and adapt its online marketing strategies to stay competitive and achieve its long-term goals.